Thursday, May 28, 2009

Weekly blog...

I've decided that this will be a weekly blog. I'll post each Saturday, and if not on Saturday I'll post on Sunday.

As current things going on in my life, I've been hanging out with my friends almost everyday, driving around yelling at random people with a mega-phone XD
It was worth the eighty dollars it cost, so much fun.

As for my current relationship status, I'm single, but I might have either a boyfriend or a girlfriend soon. I'll be happy with either one, especially if a its a boyfriend though because the guy Im interested is really cute.

Anyway, I'll post again on Saturday, even though it will be about pretty much the same thing as this post.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Coffee, silly string, and fire...

Well, didn't stay out all night last night, but it was fun. Didn't get home till after 3:00 a.m.

Learned that coffee, lighters with adjustable flames, and silly string are a really bad (or good) combination. Still didn't get to go to any clubs though... Oh well, maybe next weekend, can't during the week since I have school.

Well, thats all for tonight, time to go get ready for sleep.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

(Insert name of first blog entry here...)

Well, here it is, my first post... And I can think of nothing to talk about other than how I turned Eight-teen on Thursday... Well, its as simple as that. I didn't really do anything special, just did some basic sword training and axe throwing with some friends. It was still fun though, and I'm not the type for having parties anyway. I would much rather go to a party than have my own.
Hopefully tonight I'll actually stay out all night like I was supposed to last night, go to a few clubs maybe.

Aside from that, today I went and re-stocked on GoodNights since I was running low, and I'll need to go change into a dry one soon, but I don't feel like it right now, feels too nice.

Well, there's my non-uniform first post... I'll post the second one tomorrow about the possible all night partying.

(Insert witty remark here XD)