Tuesday, January 26, 2010

I completely forgot about this Blog

Well, its been roughly 9 months since my lost post, which was only my third post... And I realized, that no one is reading this blog. No one cares that I wear diapers, no one cares that I am bi, no one cares that I light things on fire when I'm bored, no one cares that I like to scream at random people who happen to be walking down the street when I drive by... No one cares that I have super powers, or that I saved the world last week... ok, those lost two aren't true outside my imagination, but you know what, no one is reading this blog anyway.

So now I sit here, wearing only a large shirt and panties, and soon I'm gonna go change into a diaper and possibly go all night with a but-plug in my... yeah... So, if you read this, please leave a comment so I at least know that some one is reading this desolate husk of a blog.

So, Khaz, Proud Prince of Ruins, Herald of the Shattered Dawn, is signing off for the night. Hopefully I'll actually remember to start updating this thing on a regular basis and capture the attention of those of you who have similar interests. So goodnight, sleep tight, and if the bed-bugs bite, burn your mattress.